Sunday, June 27, 2010

Emma at the party

Emma went to a friend's birthday party on Sunday. She had a lot of fun. Here she is sharing daddy's drink (Mommy thinks she confused her bottles):

Here she is playing with her friend Alice:

Here she is trying out Alice's jumparoo. Mommy doesn't think she liked it to much:

And finally, mommy thinks this is Emma's social commentary of "Eh, my toys are better"

Emma in the dog crate

Emma has discovered playing with the dog crates. While she hasn't actually crawled inside yet, it is only a matter of time. Now the dogs have nowhere to hide.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Emma's car

Emma loves her little toy car. She seems to enjoy just lounging around in it:

Sometimes she tries to actually climb out of it, which we don't think is a good idea:

Fortunately, she needs some adult supervision to use it still, so we can keep an eye on things!

Friday, June 25, 2010

Cutie pie!

For once, Emma was willing to wear her hat.

Emma's newest hobby

Here's Emma, engaging in her newest hobby.

Needless to say, the bathroom door stays closed now.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Emma making motorboat noises

Over the last couple of days, Emma has learned to make motorboat noises with her fingers. It's her new hobby!

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Emma playing around

Here are a couple videos of Emma playing around. She seems to really enjoy sticking out her tongue...

and she also seems to like tossing around her ball (though she doesn't have a lot of control over where it goes).

Emma driving

Emma has a new toy car to ride around in, and she just loves it. But once you start pushing her, she refuses to get out:

When she gets hungry, it is no problem, she just stops for some drive through (sometimes with a little help from Mom):

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Emma out to pasture

Emma has a Laugh and Learn Farm that we brought up for her to play with. Here she is out to pasture in her farm!

Emma waving and talking

Emma has learned new skills. She waves hello and also holds a "conversation." While mommy talks to her, we have no idea what she is saying.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Emma in Chicago

We visited Chicago this weekend to visit the O'Sheas and to watch Aunt Stephanie in the Avon Walk. Emma had a blast! She hung out with Grandpa...

And Grandma...

Uncle Scott...

And we took a picture with her cousins. Cousin Dave is only five months older than Emma, but look at how tall he is!

Emma also had the chance to play around with some of the toys at Grandma and Grandpa's house. She really likes the toy car they have - she's already working on talking on the phone while driving!

Finally, Grandpa took some really cute pictures of Emma just hanging around. What's YOUR favorite?

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Aunt Stephanie and the Avon Walk

Aunt Stephanie is doing the Avon Walk this weekend. Here's Melissa and Stephanie

And Aunt Stephanie with Emma!

Good luck, Aunt Stephanie!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Where's Emma

Emma has found her way clear to crawling in the coffee table:

Unfortunately, she can't figure out how to get out of the coffee table.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Emma's 9 month doctor visit

We forgot to post Emma's 9 month doctor's visit. It was one week ago, and she is doing great, other than just having had croup (which wasn't fun for anyone). Emma weighs 18 lbs (45th percentile), is 26" (she has grown to the 10th percentile) and has a 17.5" head (55th percentile).

Emma playing

Emma got a new sandbox from mom and dad. Here she is playing in it for the very first time. And of course, right after mom took this picture, Emma tried to eat a handful of sand. Mom is not sure how much Emma will get to play in the sandbox if she keeps doing that!

We finally had a nice day where Emma wasn't sick (she has had croup), so Emma also got to try out her new pool float in the hottub (set to a low temperature). She had a great time using it and floating around.