Thursday, October 27, 2011

Halloween Fun Part 2

Emma has really enjoyed the Halloween season this year. Here she is "carving" her pumpkin with daddy and his friend Kenny (she was given crayons):

Here she is carrying around the two little pumpkins Grandma Jean gave her:

Here is her beautifully colored pumpkin:

Halloween is Aunt Stephanie's favorite holiday. She sent Emma a huge care package full of great outfits. Here is Emma modeling some of them:

Modeling her pumpkin shirt while eating a Halloween cookie from Aunt Stephanie:

Thanks for the great Halloween gifts!

Monday, October 24, 2011

Bouncy Ball

Emma has discovered a new use for her big ball:

Sunday, October 23, 2011


Mommy and daddy often play airplane with Emma's food to get her to eat. Obviously, we are inept at it, as she now plays it with herself:

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Halloween Fun

We took Emma out to a local farm that has great kids activities. Here is Emma posing with a moose and Christmas tree:

Here she is picking the perfect pumpkin (turns out she isn't so fussy):

On the wagon ride to the pumpkin patch with our friend Kenny:

In the kids maze with daddy:

Enjoying an afternoon snack (Emma was really excited for that caramel):

She could mostly do without the apple:

Watching the ever hilarious pig races (at the appropriately named track, Pork Chop Downs):

And the even funnier turkey races:

And enjoying the horses, first to pet from the safety of daddy's arms:

And then being a big, brave girl and sitting on one (as long as it didn't move):

Thursday, October 20, 2011

First Baby Pictures

Melissa had her first ultrasound to determine due date. All is looking great with the new baby, who is not as far along as originally believed. Baby O'Shea is due on June 6th, so we are about 7 weeks along!

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Mickey & Minnie

Emma got some new "friends" while staying at Mimi's house. Here she is posing with her gigantic Mickey & Minnie.

And reading to them.

Emma loves spending time with them, even if they are twice her size. Thanks Mimi & Papa.