Thursday, February 28, 2013

Fun w/ Boxes

For all the toys we have in the house, both kids LOVE the carboard box from Emma's new cars eat best:

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Jibber Jabber

Sarah has become quite talkative lately:

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Pretty girl

Emma loves to dress up, with as much bling as she can find:

Monday, February 25, 2013


We took Emma and Sarah to Lego Palooza at our local science museum (Mimi and Papa even joined us).  The kids have tons of fun:

Dressing up with daddy and Lego man:

 Sarah getting a science lesson on colors from daddy:

 Emma playing music with Mimi:

 And Papa:

 Learning about pulleys with Mimi:

 Dog pile on Mimi:

 Eating lunch:

 Emma got to drill through a Lego to make a Lego necklace:

 Lego stamping:

 There was even a special area for Sarah to play in while Emma was doing her legos:

 And finally, Emma (and daddy) built a structure to try the "earthquake" (which was putting it on a trampoline and seeing if it fell apart when you jumped:

 Turns out Emma and daddy do not have a future in architecture:

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Learning to Jump

Sarah has the discovered the trampoline.  She had a great time watching her sister and learning how to jump. She took it in very slow steps, first jumping on the floor:

Then she climbed on and jumped sitting (she seemed to have difficulty figuring out how to get off the tramp when she was done):

Then she got to her feet to jump:

And finally, she jumped with her sister:

Saturday, February 23, 2013


Emma loves to make a bed in a corner, just like the dogs.  Now she drags Sarah into the bed:

Friday, February 22, 2013

Freshly Washed

Sarah playing in the laundry basket:

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Toy recycling

Sarah has learned to crawl through the tunnels we got a long while back for Emma (with slight prompting from her big sister).  Yeah for reuse!

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Playing together?

Here is how Emma and Sarah play together:

What great sharing!

Monday, February 11, 2013

Uh oh

Sarah has figured out how to crawl in the space under the coffee table.  She really loves it in there:

Unfortunately, she hasn't figured out how to get out, so she really gets stuck.

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Visit from Grandma & Grandpa

Grandma and Grandpa came to visit on Saturday.  The girls really enjoyed seeing and playing with them.  Sarah particularly enjoyed spending the afternoon with Grandpa:

Emma really enjoyed getting to paint with Grandma:

And then Emma got to put together the gingerbread train she has been saving since Christmas, just for grandma and grandpa:

Sarah even tried to get in on the train decorating action:

Thanks for a great visit Grandma and Grandpa!

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Just looking

Sarah has discovered looking out the window:

Unfortunately, she is a little short and has a hard time actually seeing over the sill.  But not to be outdone, Emma and Sammy got in on the sight-seeing action:

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Shopping find

We got the last one, on sale.Who knew Trader Joe's sold babies:

We think we are gonna keep her.  She was a really good deal; only cost the rest of our lives.  What a bargain!

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Hide and Go Sleep

Emma made up a new game.  She was apparently so tired, she fell asleep under the sheet on the chair while playing Hide and Go Seek:

Guess mommy took too long to find her (oops)!

Monday, February 4, 2013

Thoughtful girl

Emma is so thoughtful.  Cassie had surgery last week and Emma was so worried about her that she made her a Welcome Home sign:

It is hard to see the letters, but Emma actually wrote them all herself (she is very smart)!

Friday, February 1, 2013

Big Girl Bed

Emma got her brand new big girl bed.  She was super excited when it got here.  And she tested it in multiple ways; first with donkey kicks:

Then she tried dancing:

Finally she tried the traditional jumping test:

And lastly, she used it for its intended purpose, sleeping:

Thanks to Mimi and Papa for the new bed!