Sunday, May 26, 2013


Emma was not sure being a majorette was for her, so now she is trying out juggling.  Turns out she needs more practice at that too:

Saturday, May 25, 2013


These are some stylin girls:

Monday, May 20, 2013


Just some random adorableness:

 Holding hands at the zoo:

 Feeding herself:

Sunday, May 19, 2013


Mimi and Mommy also took Emma bowling.  Boy does she love it:

 Here is Emma bowling with the kids ramp:

And here she is bowling like an "adult"; sorry, it is a long video because the ball went slowly down the lane (but it was not her slowest ball by any means):

 Even Sarah got in on the action playing with the scoring machine:

Thanks for a great time bowling Mimi!

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Chuck E Cheese

Daddy and Papa were both gone this past week.  So it was just the girls, and boy did we have fun.  Mimi took Emma and Sarah for their first trip to Chuck E Cheese.  Here is Sarah enjoying the little kid rides (she didn't hate them, but was not enthused):

 The girls on their first hurling teacup ride:

And Emma running her first Kentucky Derby:

Monday, May 13, 2013


Sadly science classes are over for a while, but both girls loved the classes:

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Happy Mother's Day Part 2

Here is the beautiful sign Emma made for me (with help from daddy and Sarah).  To be fair, it was made a little in advance of Mother's Day, but it is still appropriate:

Happy Mother's Day

Brian made plans to take a family picnic to a park for Mother's Day.   Unfortunately, Sarah has been sick, so we had to change the location to our backyard.  But it was still an awesome afternoon:

 Sarah enjoyed all of the food:

 She particularly liked grabbing all the pieces that were too big for her and stuffing them in her face:


 Emma also enjoyed all the food:

 Then it was time to relax on daddy:

 And finally time to burn off all that food:

It was a great afternoon. Happy Mother's Day to all!

Saturday, May 11, 2013


Emma may not have a future as a majorette, but she sure enjoys trying:

Thursday, May 9, 2013


Emma got a dinosaur excavation kit for Christmas and she finally got to do it now that it is warm out:

 Sarah once again got stuck inside watching (so she couldn't eat the chalk or the small bones).  Sorry Sarah!

Wednesday, May 8, 2013


Spring has officially arrived at our house.  Emma helped daddy plant flowers in her planter boxes:

 Sadly Sarah only got to watch the action:

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Driving Help

Sarah loves to walk while pushing things, even her sister:

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Sarah playdate

Mommy had a friend over that has girls Emma and Sarah's age.  Here is Sarah "playing" with her friend:

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Spanish Senorita

Mimi and Papa went on a cruise and brought Emma back a marachi hat (which she calls a comanchero hat (part spanish, part native american?). 

 Sarah likes the one Emma got for her dolls:

Friday, May 3, 2013

Small Animal Day

Mommy and daddy have been woefully failing at updating the blog.  We took Emma and Sarah to Small Animals Day at MSU a few weekends ago.  They really enjoyed it:

Both girls got to pet cows:

Well, Sarah mostly looked:

Emma decided face painting was much better on her arm.  She got a blue pig:

 They had lots of baby chicks and ducks.  Sarah was fascinated by them, until she tried to get a handful:

 Emma got to pet the baby lambs:

 And discovered she was really too short to get her head in the chicken picture:

 Finally, enjoying playing in the tractor wheel: