Sunday, October 31, 2010

Hanging out

We were supposed to go to Chicago for a family Halloween party, but had to cancel. We're really bummed out about it, but we had a fun day yesterday hanging out at home with Emma and the dogs. Here are a few pictures of Emma having fun with the whole family.

She loves to climb into her dump truck, but she hasn't quite figured out how to get back out.

We made Shepherd's pie for dinner, and Emma liked it a lot (except for the potatoes). She particularly liked her side order of cheddar cheese!

Ok, we admit it... She has terrible table manners. Everybody knows you use a fork for shepherd's pie!

Emma loves the dogs, and they love her too (well, Cassie mostly just tolerates her, and Sammy hides under the bed). Emma seems to like to use Cassidy as a pillow - a behavior that Cassie is OK with, as long as Emma doesn't pull on her ears!

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