Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Hanging out at Grandma and Grandpa's house

Emma had a fun week at Grandma and Grandpa's house in Chicago. She spent a lot of time with her cousin Dave, investigating the contents of Grandma's cabinets. Note the strings on some of the cabinets - by the end of the week, she had also figured out how to untie some of them!

She also discovered that she really enjoys sweeping. I hope that she keeps that up for a while - it could be very helpful around the house once she figures out how the dustpan works, too.

One night, we all helped to brush Emma's teeth. She started out doing it herself...

But eventually let Grandma help out...

She also helped us make appetizers and desserts for the various family parties. And by 'helped' I mean 'actively hindered'. That said, she got her first real taste of a few different kinds of sweets, and it turns out that she really likes them - surprise, surprise! After she figured that out, she was very eager to help clean up, by licking the bowl.

Not pictured: Emma trying to dive into a mostly-empty bowl of pie filling. (Picture not taken because the photographer was trying to keep her from getting into the bowl.)

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