Sunday, October 27, 2013

Happy Halloween Part 1

We have started our Halloween adventures (actually they started last weekend at the zoo, but we forgot the camera).  So here we are at the nature center:

Emma picking her pumpkin at the little patch:

 Sarah trying to decide between her 2 choices:

 Emma trying to break the pumpkin pinata (it took a lot of kids a lot of swings to break that open for the candy):

 Emma making a tootsie spider (looks more like an octopus to mommy):

 Emma's halloween tattoo:

 Posing with Mr. Knight:

 Here is Emma playing pin the tail on the cat.  She was very insistent that she put it in the right place when she missed:

Here is Sarah trying to pin the tail:

Emma trying to pumpkin bowl (turns out without gutters, her aim isn't so great):

Finally, here is Sarah showing her skill at  tick tack toe throw:

Here we are trick or treating at the mall.  Emma chose to go in her Cinderella costume:

 Sarah in her pumpkin (that she didn't like so much):

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