Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Cure for Stuck Insideitis part 2

Everyone had a snow day last Monday (we couldn't get the videos to upload), so here was the cure for that day:

Turns out that mommy is getting a lot more creative (or at least less mess averse) this winter:

After finger painting was bath time, then lunch.  While Sarah was napping, Emma got to make her chocolate pudding pies:

 Then she got to play with something new, cloud dough (which is just corn starch and oil).  It is crumbly and powdery, so she had fun making a huge mess, but also molds really well.  Turns out mommy is way better than she thought at making dough animals:

 After nap, we spent some time building with the magnatiles.  Here is the house, with attached garage, that Emma built 100% on her own:

While Emma was doing that, Sarah was playing with her activity center.  She was very studious and careful about how she approached this playtime:

Then came science time with daddy (Emma got a few science kits for Christmas).  She got to do 3 or 4 of them, but daddy spent a little time on each experiment teaching her about the science.  Here she is making a volcano:

Even Sarah got in on the science action, using her magnifying glass to observe the experiments:

 And we ended the evening with family storytime. 
What a great day!  The only problem is mommy has run out of creative ideas, while Emma keeps asking for her next new activity! It will be a long winter for my brain.

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