Monday, March 3, 2014

Vacation, Day 2

Today was our first full day at Disneyland.  We had a great time.  We started out at breakfast with Chip and Dale and some of their friends.

Including a raccoon:

We don't know his name, but Sarah absolutely loved him.  Unfortunately, she would never stay still long enough to take a picture.  After that, we went to the actual park and did all sorts of things, including going on the carousel.

And bumper cars!

The girls got to meet lots of Disney characters, including Cruelle DeVille.

Mickey!  (They were particularly excited about this one).

We bought Sarah a Mickey cookie, and she was so excited she tried to eat his face.  (Weird, I know.)

And Sarah got so tired that she conked out while we were at the park.  Mommy even had time to take a picture!

And then we had "Dinner with the Princesses."  Daddy has been left alone to do this post, so some of the names are going to be guesses.  This is the one from The Little Mermaid:

Cinderella, maybe?


and the pink one:

and, finally, Sarah was not nearly as interested in this, but really liked trying to eat her pasta with as many forks as she could hold:

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