Thursday, December 31, 2009

Uncle Kenny is here!

Uncle Kenny (Brian's and Melissa's friend and Brian's roommate from grad school) is visiting for a few days. Melissa left us alone with Emma all night, and we had to resort to the Baby Bjorn. Kenny decided to model it for us.

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Emma's new talent

Emma has a new talent - if you give her the spoon for her oatmeal, she can actually put it in her mouth!

Going for a ride!


Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Kelleher Christmas party

Daddy didn't remember to take many pictures at the Kelleher Christmas party. Oops! Here's the only one that turned out - Emma and her Aunt Janet:

If anybody has any Christmas Day pics from the Kelleher part, please send them to us and we'll put them up!

Christmas morning

Here are some (belated) pictures from Christmas morning!

Alexis on her new stuffed elephant:

Dave with a new dump truck/hammer toy. He loves it:

Emma with a little windmill that attaches to the tray of her Bumbo seat. It turns out she knows how to spin things now!

Dave giving Emma a Christmas poke in the nose:

And, finally, all of the grandkids on Grandpa O'Shea's new picnic table:

Friday, December 25, 2009

Christmas Eve with the O'Shea Family

We spent Christmas Eve with the O'Shea family. Emma was a little bit cranky, but we had a lot of fun. Santa stopped by to visit, and we took a few pictures with him!


Emma's a little young to appreciate Santa, but she didn't cry when she sat in Santa's lap (which is more than can be said for some of her cousins... and her daddy). We also managed to get a few shots of Emma with the family. Here she is with Aunt Ginny:

and Kim:

and our cousin Maura, who just got married!

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

In Chicago for Christmas!

We just arrived in Chicago for Christmas, and are staying with Grandma and Grandpa O'Shea. Grandpa loves feeding the babies - here's a picture of him feeding Emma her oatmeal!

Monday, December 21, 2009

4 month doctor visit, eating solid food

Emma went to the doctor today for her four month checkup and immunizations. She is 13 pounds, 5 ounces (between the 25th and 50th percentile), 22.75 inches long (10th percentile), and her head is 16.25 inches around (50th percentile).

The doctor said we can start giving her real food, so we gave her a mixture of formula and oatmeal. She seemed to like it a lot. Click here to see a video of her taking her first bites of 'real' food. And, of course, here's the aftermath:

She's a pretty sloppy eater, hmm?

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Rough day

Wow, have I had a rough day. I am TIRED.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Our affectionate little girl

I caught this picture when Melissa was feeding Emma. Emma appears to be giving Melissa a kiss on the chin:

Alternately, she decided that baby formula isn't quite what she's looking for, and that she really wants something a little heartier. Melissa is leaning toward the kiss theory. I'm going to keep an eye on her, though - if she goes for the A-1, I'm outta here.

Emma's new hobby

Emma's new hobby is trying to see how many fingers she can chew on simultaneously.

She is VERY serious about this hobby.

Her new hobby might have to do with the fact that she suddenly seems to be teething. Or, she just really likes the taste of her hand. Who can say, really? She's certainly not admitting to anything yet!

Friday, December 11, 2009

At the command center

I am the boss of this house. Here I am in my throne!

Taking a nap

Emma conked out on the couch last night. Too bad Mommy was trapped, then!

I've fallen and I can't get up!

Seriously. I can't get up.