Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Formula shake!

Emma has all sorts of neat toys, but today her favorite thing to do was to repeatedly pull over her formula can. Since she did it all day, we had plenty of time to take a video!

Four eyes!

Mommy and Daddy both have glasses, so I'm sure I'll need them some day. These ones are too big for me, though!

Emma and Cassidy

Emma likes the dogs. She REALLY likes the dogs. Unfortunately for her, they don't like her as much - probably because all she wants to do is grab onto whatever's available (whiskers, ears, fur in general...) and yank as hard as she can. Even so, Cassidy likes to sit near Emma and keep an eye on her (probably to make sure Emma's not sneaking up on her):

And, occasionally, she'll get in close to take a sniff and make sure that, yep, that's still a baby!

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Emma playing

Now that Emma can (mostly) sit up, we're using her Pack-n-play as a play center. She really, really likes some of her noisier toys!

She can spend an awful lot of time playing in there, or with her laptop (see our earlier post) - but she eventually does crash!

Attack of the cannibal baby!

Melissa's take on this picture: "Aww, she's giving me a kiss!"

Brian's take on it: "That girl is NOT going to be a vegetarian when she grows up."

You decide which one you think is more accurate.

Emma playing with her laptop

Emma really loves Mommy and Daddy's computers, so we decided to get her one of her own. It's not as full of features as Daddy's Mac, but it's certainly more drool-resistant! She enjoys pushing the buttons, but her favorite thing to do is slam shut the top of it:

If she said some swear words right before doing that, you'd know that she learned it all from her Daddy. Fortunately, she's too young to pick up that kind of bad behavior yet!

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Emma's new outfit

Emma hasn't had the chance to wear this outfit before, but we think it's really cute - especially the hat!

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Emma feeding herself

It turns out that Emma can feed herself, if given a little bit of assistance. She can't do it all that well, but she's improving!

Emma, practicing drinking out of a cup:


Emma's all dressed up and ready to go to Grammy's house!

Emma the critic

It turns out that Emma isn't a big fan of Entertainment Weekly...

Monday, January 11, 2010

All gone!

Emma is getting to be a very enthusiastic eater. She finished a whole bowl of oatmeal! (We won't say how much of it ended up on her face, though...)

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Emma licking the bowl

Emma tried to lick the bowl after Melissa fed her oatmeal yesterday morning. Unfortunately, she can't really fit her head inside the bowl, so she had to make do with licking the outside!

Emma riding

After careful consideration, we think that Emma looks like she's riding a camel through the desert in this picture, with one of those desert hats on. With no further ado, I present Lawrence of A-baby-ah!

(Yes, I know it's a terrible play on words. Don't bother emailing me, I feel no shame!)

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Emma eating sweet potatoes

Emma doesn't really like sweet potatoes yet. Look at the face she makes when she takes the first bite:

And her shuddering at the end of this video when she is officially DONE!

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Emma rolling over!

Emma has started rolling over on her own... finally!

Hanging around

Here's Emma, checking on Daddy's bald spot:

playing with her Exersaucer:

And laying around on the ground:

Hi Matt!

Our friend Matt and his girlfriend Meghan visited today. Here's Matt with Emma.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Emma the acrobat

Emma and Uncle Kenny are going to join the circus - they're working on their acrobatics act!